We contacted all Welsh Government Assembly Members earlier this year. We summarised our concerns about the plans for the new cancer centre, and the process being used. We’re posting information from the letter on this site.
Letter signed by 163 Senior Clinicians.
After the Nuffield Trust published their advice on the risks of the stand alone model, 163 senior clinicians wrote to the Health Minister to draw his attention to their continuing significant concerns. There is a link to the full text of the letter at the top of this page.
Some quotes from the letter
- ‘we agree that co-location with an acute hospital would provide safer in-patient care, improve support from other specialities, create a better base for research and be in line with best practice elsewhere.’
- ‘the Nuffield Trust seems to endorse a medium-term ‘split site’ solution’
- ‘we strongly doubt this will deliver the best service for patients, and whether it is the best use of public funds’.
- ‘the Nuffield Trust states that a full options appraisal of possible clinical models was beyond the remit of its report. We see this as a missed opportunity which should be rectified.’
- ‘it is not clear why the report concludes that it would take too long too pursue and alternative co-located ‘full replacement’ model. this conclusion is insufficiently supported by evidence and open to challenge’.
We have removed the names of all the signatories, as many requested anonymity. This reflects the significant issues concerns of clinicians about the impact of speaking out on this issue on their careers.
We provided copies of the full text of the letter to all AMs. The names, role within cancer care and the seniority of all signatories are known to the Health Minister.